
Greg Johnson: Crazy Water-Permeable Sustainable Concrete – Ep. 201

Greg Johnson: Crazy Water-Permeable Sustainable Concrete – Ep. 201

Greg Johnson is the Co-Founder and CEO of AquiPor Technologies. His company offers groundbreaking tech for porous concrete, meaning the sidewalk can collect and capture rain water! AquiPor promotes a new type of material technology intended for urban stormwater management. We will investigate the effectiveness and environmental impact of their products, including their permeable concrete and low-carbon technology claims.
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Is Google Sentient? Why LaMDA is a big deal.

Is Google’s LaMDA Sentient?

Google's "product" just passed the Turing test and wants to be referred to as an employee, not property. Why doesn't it matter whether it's sentient or not?
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Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Beaumarchais: How A Weird Man Can Help you Find Success

Beaumarchais was a polymath. He was an inventor, playwright, spy, revolutionary, and a libertine. His story can help you find your own path.
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"Fast" vs. "Slow" Content [How We Can be More Productive]

Don’t Lose Sight of Your Long-Term Goals

On our deathbed, no one is likely to care about any of the social media content we’ve ever made, even as we’re spending more of our lives making it. So how do we combat this?
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The Vehicle vs. The Destination: Why Crazy Career Changes Aren’t as Crazy as We Think

Why Crazy Career Changes Aren’t as Crazy as We Think

We seem to believe that the “best” way to live is to leave high school knowing exactly what we want to do with the rest of our lives, and then committing to that for decades. I debunk this now.
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Investing in Your Art [The Ugly Truth]

Investing in Your Life’s Work [The Ugly Truth]

So you’ve been inspired. You’ve seen examples of people who pursued something extraordinary and lived to thrive. Now what do you do?
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