
Revolutionizing Laundry with Tru Earth Co-Founder, Ryan Mckenzie – Ep. 59

“I started looking at the stats on plastic waste just from laundry detergent, and there’s about a billion jugs purchased in North America every year. And the absolute best end of the stats that I can find is about 30% are recycled in any capacity, so 10% are actually physically repurposed into new stuff.”

Revolutionizing Laundry with Tru Earth Co-Founder, Ryan Mckenzie – Ep. 59 Read More »

Creating Circular Economies with Ben Christensen: CEO/Founder of Cambium Carbon – Ep. 57

“I wanted to create a solution that was scalable. And for me, that means not just, environmentally scalable, where as we get bigger, we are better for the planet instead of being worse. But also one that is financially scalable, so that it allows for that type of growth and the type of catalytic impact that we want to see at a national and a global scale.”

Creating Circular Economies with Ben Christensen: CEO/Founder of Cambium Carbon – Ep. 57 Read More »

Andrew Tarvin: Professional Corporate Humorist, Author & Keynote Speaker – Ep. 54

“Research shows that leaders with any sense of humor are seen as 27% more motivating and admired than those who don’t joke around. Their employees are 15% more engaged, and their teams are more than twice as likely to solve a creativity challenge — all of which can translate into improved performance.”

Andrew Tarvin: Professional Corporate Humorist, Author & Keynote Speaker – Ep. 54 Read More »

Dr. Ramses Alcaide: Co-founder of Neurable, Bringing Neurotech to Headphones – Ep. 52

“But I think the real thing, where this stems from, is just talking about this subject. Talk about it to your friends. Talk about it to your boyfriends, your father, to your sons, to your nephews, to your nieces, whoever it might be. The more we normalize this, the better it will be for everyone. We just need to start treating this bodily function as a normal piece of thing.”

Dr. Ramses Alcaide: Co-founder of Neurable, Bringing Neurotech to Headphones – Ep. 52 Read More »

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